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Robotics virtual commissioning

Robotics virtual commissioning uses robotics simulation to validate real control system behavior.

What is robotics virtual commissioning?

Robotics virtual commissioning uses an automation simulation environment, rather than the physical robotics system, to test the system’s behavior based on the actual control software. Robotics virtual commissioning is performed ahead of production-floor deployment and commissioning. It is one of several functional capabilities of robotics simulation software.

Robotics virtual commissioning employs a digital twin, which is an interactive virtual representation of the robotics system and surrounding production environment, to simulate the robotics system’s planned and programmed operation. It enables manufacturing engineers to perform offline robotics programming and test it without disrupting current production operations.

Robotics virtual commissioning uses an automation simulation environment, rather than the physical robotics system, to test the system’s behavior before production-floor deployment and commissioning based on the actual control software. It is one of several functional capabilities of robotics simulation software.

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Engineer with an HMI, a PLC and process simulation software conducting virtual commissioning.

Benefits of robotics virtual commissioning

Robotics virtual commissioning confirms that a robotics system will work as expected before the control program is downloaded to actual equipment. This enables corrective actions to be taken before deployment, eliminating debugging and rework on the physical system.

Reduced time to production startup

Thoroughly test and debug automation control logic and PLC code in a digital environment, minimizing the need for extensive debugging during ramp-up and after deployment on the production floor.

Lower commissioning costs

Identify and resolve potential issues in automation control logic, safety interlocks and PLC code when they are much easier to fix, reducing the overall costs of commissioning, debug and rework before startup.

Virtual training

Deliver operator instruction, practice and skills development virtually and remotely without the need for hardware, physical presence or traditional classroom settings.

Robotics virtual commissioning functionality

Robotics virtual commissioning simulates much more than the robot itself. Using the digital twin, robotics simulation software brings all relevant devices, equipment and structures into the same 3D interactive representation. Modern robotics simulation software is “robot-agnostic,” meaning that it works with any brand of robot. It also supports multiple robots in the same work area.

While robotics simulation includes virtual hardware, some simulations may involve actual hardware. For example, a hardware control device such as a programmable logic controller (PLC) might be connected to the simulation model to see how the system reacts. In this configuration, the simulation tests real control input from the PLC and feedback from the simulation model.

During robotics virtual commissioning, engineers create scenarios to verify that the robotics offline programming has created a workable and efficient program. Reach and cycle times can be verified. Robotics virtual commissioning also typically runs event-based simulations to ensure that contingencies work properly.

Virtual debugging is a key feature of robotics virtual commissioning. The software enables users to debug automation control logic and PLC code in a digital environment. When physical robotics systems are commissioned only after being built on the production floor, all debugging must be performed after deployment, which means production stoppage for long periods of time. In contrast, when robotics virtual commissioning software performs debugging operations, the time between deployment and live production is abbreviated considerably.

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