Shop floor control comprises the methods and systems to prioritize, track and report against production orders and schedules. It includes the procedures to evaluate current resource status, labor, machine usage, and other information required to support the overall planning, scheduling, and costing systems related to shop floor operation.
Shop floor control calculates work based on a percentage of completion for each order and operation, and is useful for inventory valuations and materials planning. It also includes identifying and assessing vulnerabilities and risks due to the shop-floor environment, employees, processes, and the technologies employed at the shop-floor level.
Based on the assessment of these factors, shop floor control initiates measures to keep risk at an acceptable minimum level. Shop floor control is responsible for the detailed management of activities and the flow of materials inside the plant. It includes employees, materials, machines and production time.
Shop floor control activity begins after planning (e.g., with MRP, ERP); once planned, orders and purchase requisitions get created.
Related product: Opcenter Execution