A series of quadrilaterals in varying shades of greyHeadshot of John Miller


John Miller

Senior Vice President, Mainstream Engineering Software

Originally from: Mount Clemens, Michigan, US

Currently based: Frisco, Texas, US

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering Systems from Kettering University (formerly GMI) and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from the University of Michigan

Siemens tenure: Joined Siemens in 1991

Going Mainstream: In the Mainstream Engineering organization, we are focusing on some of the newest technologies such as digital business, cloud, and startups. We are constantly trying to innovate new ways to market and new markets. We have created many innovations that other groups within Siemens now leverage, including Teamcenter Share, the cloud-native collaboration offering for our SaaS transformation.

Culture of change: Our culture is impatient, in a really good way. We know we need to evolve, lead the change, and embrace new technologies and business aspects, and we are actively doing that. We are not sitting still or leaning on our past success, we are aggressively challenging our ways and pushing our company and culture forward. I’m proud to work for a company with a strong focus on diversity, that is actively working to transform and focus on innovation and new business models.

Find paths that are unpaved: When I'm not in the office, you can find me by the water, under the stars, or on a road trip. I am always ready to explore, particularly National Parks that I haven’t yet visited.

Food for thought: My guilty pleasure is “simple food.” I’ll take a good food truck or BBQ joint over a fancy restaurant any day.

Keeping perspective: In my opinion, you won’t remember all the crises, the lost deals, the bad meetings, or the bad bosses, you will only remember the people you helped and those that helped you.