Safety testing

Our safety testing services at Helmond, The Netherlands, are EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited (Registration no. L547) and designated for certification by RDW (E4) and KBA (E1) accredited lab, plus our test facilities, enable us to perform a whole range of tests in-house.

Access accredited testing

Our safety testing services at Helmond, The Netherlands, are EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited (Registration no. L547) and designated for certification by RDW (E4) and KBA (E1) test center offers a wide range of safety components and systems tests: from helmets to complete restraint systems. In addition to development testing, we also offer the final independent verification of your product’s compliance against worldwide standards.  

Alongside testing specific safety components, we test overall vehicle safety. With over 30 years of experience, we offer simulation software and complementary knowledge and tools for developing, engineering, testing and validating various passive and active safety systems. Our test facilities are fully equipped to perform a wide range of tests for automotive applications, both indoor and outdoor.  

A visual of a component testing facility.

Passive safety testing

We perform all test modes for passenger and heavy-duty vehicles, both with conventional drivelines, electric/hybrid drivelines, and other alternative fuels. On our outdoor proving ground in the extension of our car crash testing hall, we test road furniture like lighting columns and signposts, for which we are one of the accredited test centers. Our indoor test track (160 meters in length) allows us to perform all tests under temperature-controlled conditions and is fully confidential.

Our testing facility with a 160-meter track performing full-scale car crash testing.

In addition to our car crash testing capabilities, our ISO 17025 accredited lab in Helmond, The Netherlands, is also qualified for aviation seat crash testing, including aircraft and flight attendant seats. These tests are performed on our Inverse Crash Sled. We are a recommended lab by various aircraft builders and aviation authorities.

Equipment for aviation seats crash testing.

The inverse crash sled is a simulator designed to test occupant restraint systems, vehicle and aircraft seats, and all other interior vehicle components in subcomponent or full-body-in-white-testing. The innovative propulsion system allows the set-up of the most complex tests, such as whiplash testing. The excellent pulse accuracy and repeatability allow our team to work efficiently and accurately. Closed loop acceleration control assures an optimum quality of pulse adaptation with outstanding frequency response and repeatability. With payloads of up to 3,000 kg, we cover the complete range from fully equipped passenger cars to truck cabins.

Executing the inverse crash test for occupant restraint systems, vehicle and aircraft seats, and all other interior vehicle components.

Testing engineers need to consider both pedestrian and occupant safety. In our ISO 17025 accredited test lab in Helmond, The Netherlands, our dedicated team is able to perform all pedestrian protection tests. We carry out a series of impact tests to estimate the potential risk of injury in the event of a car-to-pedestrian accident. We test pedestrian adult and child head, and pedestrian upper leg and pedestrian lower leg impact, all to 40 kilometers per hour. All tests are performed according to Euro NCAP protocols and UNECE regulations.

Equipment used for pedestrian protection testing.

Heavy-duty vehicles are difficult to test as they require both ample space and extensive knowledge. Our Helmond team has over 35 years of experience in heavy duty crash testing and offers full-scale crash testing for occupant and sensor testing. We offer:

  • A full range of services from test mode development, test execution and test analysis
  • Execution of heavy-duty vehicle tests up to 40 kilometers per hour; maximum gross weight is 28 tons
  • Sensor testing, including guard-rail tests and roll-over tests

Child restraint system testing and homologation

Do you have a rear-facing child restraint system in group 1 or 2 or an I-size rear-facing system for the Swedish market? For Sweden, the plus pulse test is a supplementary test to ensure that a child is not exposed to life-threatening high-headed forces during a frontal collision, which is a standard test in Sweden. This test differs from regular European tests because of the higher speed than normal, very short braking distance and neck-force measurements. We perform this test at our safety testing lab in Helmond, The Netherlands.

Executing the Swedish plus pulse test to ensure that a child is not exposed to life-threatening high-headed forces.

We can perform testing against the ECE R44 standard as well as the new I-Size; ECE R129 standard. We test forward, rearward facing Child Restraint Systems and carrycots, ISOFIX anchorage or belt systems of all types and categories against ECE R44 and ECE R129 for homologation, conformity of production, extension, and other experimental testing. All Q-dummies are available and up to the latest version of the regulation.

Our test center, where we perform testing against the ECE R44 standard.

Shorten your time to market with extensive safety testing and homologation. Our safety testing facilities are equipped with the latest test equipment, complemented with more than 50 years of Child Restraint System (CRS) expertise. The complete test setup for ECE R44 and ECE R129 regulation certification in dynamic frontal, rear and side-impact tests is ready for use in our test facilities. With the possibility to perform Swedish plus pulse tests, pre-consumer testing and conformity of production (COP) procedures, we offer the complete spectrum of CRS tests. Our safety testing facilities at Helmond, The Netherlands, are accredited by E4 RDW, E1 KBA and ISO 17025.

Equipment for child restraint system testing and homologation

Nowadays, if you have your child restraint ready for the market, keep in mind that the European consumer organization may pick your CRS for extensive consumer testing. The tests done by the consumer organization are much more severe than what is required by the ECE standards. Our in-house pre-consumer testing (PCT) solutions regarding dynamic testing include two elements:

Frontal impact - this test takes place at 72 km/h against a solid barrier using a suitably stiffened vehicle structure (VW Polo). The frontal impact test is performed on our inversed sled, which gives the same impact as against a solid barrier.

Side-impact - HIC, head and chest accelerations, neck forces and moments and head displacement are measured to calculate the dynamic test result.

Helmet testing and homologation

Research into traumatic brain injuries has shown that the human brain is more sensitive to rotational movements than pure translational. A state-of-art testing method is being developed by helmet experts all over the world to enable the assessment of rotational energy absorption. Our laboratory is equipped with the latest technology to perform helmet testing in accordance with those methods.

By performing high-speed video analysis, laser guiding head form positioning, and wireless data acquisition, we provide highly accurate and repeatable helmet testing. Our experts can evaluate the level of protection a safety helmet can provide against brain injuries generated by critical rotation accelerations. In cooperation with helmet manufacturers, we enter this new era of helmet testing, contributing to the best possible head protection.

A helmet testing at our laboratory which is equipped with the latest technology.

In addition to benchmark tests and homologation tests, our lab is suitable for experimental and development helmet testing. Our experts can assist your team not only in developing ballistic helmets for combat and law enforcement but also fully customized test programs with increased impact velocities, high-speed video capturing and even 3D.

Different types of helmets.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) testing ensures the product meets the essential health and safety requirements (EHSR). Our testing and homologation laboratory in Helmond, The Netherlands, can perform helmet testing on several EN standards: EN1077 (snowboard and ski helmets), EN1078 (bicycle helmets), EN1080 (helmets for young children) and EN1385 (water sports helmets). Our lab tests these helmets for shock absorption, design requirements and retention systems (strength and effectiveness).

A man wearing skiing gear skiing.

S-EPACs, speed e-bikes, or speed-pedelecs require a different type of helmet than regular bikes as they are classified as motorized vehicles. S-EPAC helmets need to comply with the national NTA 8776 standard, currently the state-of-the-art standard for speed-pedelec helmets. We are officially designated as an ISO 17025 accredited lab for testing S-EPAC helmets. We can test the helmets and provide homologation for certification in cooperation with the notified body KIWA.

A hand holding a bike handle while riding on a road.

Seatbelt testing and homologation

For the purpose of the mandatory seat belt manufacturer’s production quality checks, we offer dynamic seat belt test programs for CoP according to UN-R16 or equivalent regulations. These test programs can include the conditioning and cycling of the seat belt production samples.

In close cooperation with the customer, we set up time-efficient test projects to deliver the CoP test reports in a timely manner. This enables the seat belt manufacturer to deliver the seat belts to the vehicle maker within its production planning, covered by the CoP test reports and mandatory checks.

Multiple seatbelts going through testing.

Our dedicated facilities test over 5,000 safety belts each year: from lap belts to 3-point belts to 6-point racing harnesses. We have over 60 years of experience in the field of seat belt testing and homologation.

We offer the full set of seat belt component level tests according to UN-R16 (designations for E1 and E4) for official type approval, conformity of production or development. Our ISO 17025 accredited lab is also designated for Taiwan VSCC Reg.26-1 and FIA racing harness standards 8853-2016 and 8854/98. All of the seat belt type approval tests are performed in-house.