Siemens Digital Industries Software

Contrat client universel (UCA)

Accédez aux conditions ci-dessous dans la langue de votre choix.

Vous trouverez les versions précédentes et retirées ici.

Tous les PDF correspondent à la version 1.0, applicable à partir du 26 juillet 2021.

Related Terms

See terms and conditions related to the UCA.

Data Privacy Terms

Learn about our commitment to protect personal information and our technical and organizational measures.

Acceptable Use Policy

As a safeguard for all our customers and users that enjoy our cloud services, the Acceptable Use Policy sets forth basic rules applicable to the use of any cloud services of Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Supplemental Terms

The Supplemental Terms set out the license models, applicable maintenance and support terms and other portfolio-related or use case-specific terms. Supplemental terms are identified on the order form by unique alphanumeric codes.

Conditions de maintenance pour les Logiciels et Matériels

Découvrez notre service de maintenance et de support pour les logiciels sur site et pour nos produits matériels.

Cloud Support and SLA Framework

Learn about our support commitment and service level agreement for our cloud services.